The multitude of options combined with dramatic price fluctuations makes the deregulated market infinitely more complex.
Think about it; before deregulation you had no choice, you simply paid your energy bill and probably complained about the cost, just like everyone else.
Electric utility deregulation introduces new price risk for companies that consume power. Some companies have been surprised by sudden dramatic electricity price moves.
Your Energy Supply Contract is Really Important and Selecting an alternate supplier can save you money oan offer you price protection and budget certainty.
When you select an alternate supplier it is critical that you understand what you are buying. The supply portion of your bill includes a number of components. Some of these components may be excluded from your price quote and will appear as extra charges on your bill.
- Raw energy – the electrons from the power plant
- Transmission – Delivery to the local utility
- Line Loss – system inefficiency
- Capacity
- Congestion
- RMR – Reliability Must Run
- LFR – Locational Forward Reserve
- Political Issues
- Speculation
- Taxes -
We can help you navigate through these components so you can make an informed purchasing decision that matches your goals and risk profile.
Fixed price, variable, hybrid, indexed, Block and index, with or without pass through charges included, energy only … What should you choose?
That depends on the amount of risk that you are willing to take. Most businesses lack the time, expertise, and tools to track the energy market and make good purchasing decisions. Businesses today rely on experts when it comes to financial, insurance real estate and other complex transactions. Eco Power is your energy expert.
Your Eco Power Consultant will help you buy energy at 10% to 30% off peak utility rates in deregulated markets. We have a simple and objective process based on proven strategies that eliminates uncertainty and volatility risk for the consumer